I Dig with Diigo for my Golden Resource Nuggets
Why should you care? Why am I telling you this?
Diigo is a powerful social bookmarking platform. This means that your bookmarks live in the cloud. You can "Jail Break" your browser bookmarks so that the process of research and discovery of new resources can become a social activity.
But Aren't we doing this here?...Well, a bit less effectively?
The process for me goes some how like this:
- Search
- Filter
- Capture/Curate (by adding resource to your repository
- Share
These steps are a bit delusive -Specially, between Capture/Curate & share - a bit like a tube map.
Mind The Gap!
You see the dots representing the stations may be equally spread, but the distance between two stations varies - and in our case the time & effort between capturing and sharing here may require additional effort. I am experiencing that gargantuan gap between what I discover and writing about here!
Wouldn't it be fab if you could save time & effort in these last two steps?
Yes you can. You can "auto blog post" direct from your group (if you are collaboratively bookmarking) or from a list to your chosen blog or to here.
The Power of Diigo
if you consistently "tag" your content with keywords you can actually develop RSS feeds/Widgets that will feed that particular tag to an RSS reader or to an embed widget. You can also highlight, annotate with a floating yellow sticky note, take a screenshot, save the page for posterity if you think it is on the blink, and share all the "funked up bits" via a special link for those who are not signed up to Diigo. You don't even have to be on your PC - You can do it on the go on a tablet or smartphone! - I DON"T WORK FOR THEM! ;-) just in case...!!!
Vic - I'm not being lazy (as you have seen on Diigo). But I've got a glut!
So to keep my mentor (Victor Dejean) abreast to the fact that I am committing time to this project, I have setup a Diigo group for this purpose. He can see how often I find stuff and can be alerted as it happens, daily or weekly.
Next Experiment is to try and set "auto blog post" - see if it works in a multi-author blog platform - here!
Anyone interested in Diigo? - see below