Tuesday, 26 March 2013

animation tools most popular ( and Poll anywhere )

So far tutors are impressed by the variety of resources that were available, several are using ( and have particularly enjoyed ) Go Animate and Animator. They have created short clips to help explain points in sessions. Learners generally were very positive about it,  in the future tutors are trying to get them to use the tools to create a presentations themselves

Currently they are encouraging  students to use these two tools to create presentations.

The Khan Academy website has some great online maths resources which are being used by students as revision aids.

A couple of tutors have used Go Animate and made a quick video explaining my 'Top Reading-Exam tips'. It was  very suitable as the presentation was a bit  tongue in cheek, but was very effective and kept students much more interested and engaged rather than if tutors had just been speaking and/or with powerpoint

We are also using Poll Anywhere ( tutors also say it is good fun to use ) and are trying it out with  level 3 learners to try to get parent feedback.

Post 16 Collaborative learning

I attended a Post 16 Collaborative Learning event yesterday which involved sharing of good practice between schools, colleges and training providers.
When discussing CPD several of the large colleges confirmed that that encouraged their staff to use the excellence gateway as a source for accessing new resources.

VuVox - Media Creation Made Easy

Cloud Based VuVox
Another linear presentation/story  telling tool I discovered a couple of years ago - VuVox. Amazing that it is still... FREE!

Check it out at:

Room for a VUE?

Visual Understanding Environment  (VUE) 

The Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is an Open Source project based at Tufts University. The VUE project is focused on creating flexible tools for managing and integrating digital resources in support of teaching, learning and research. VUE provides a flexible visual environment for structuring, presenting, and sharing digital information.

I found this tool because I wanted to find a free alternative to Prezi - the presentation tool that has been milked to the core at TEDtalks presentaitons. You know, those funky presentations that zoom and pan along pathways.

But VUE is FREE !!! - and much, much more powerful. With lots of support tutorials on YouTube Channel. Interested? see links below.

VUE as a teaching & presentation tool

Introduction to VUE's capabilities & features

VUE YouTube channel
