Thursday, 28 March 2013

Final thoughts on the Toolbox

Final thoughts on the Toolbox 

Great idea, some very useful resources, some resources that we will keep on using past the project deadline such as Jobmatch, Animoto and Blogger. Some resources we have “bought into” because we can see the benefits that they will bring, but one of the primary reasons for purchasing has been the relatively cheap cost.  A prime consideration for most third sector providers. Some of the tools are visually exciting, and could make a real impact on learners’, and some of the tools are perfunctory.

Unfortunately a lot of duplication of the tools within the steps of the learner journey, and a number of the tools require purchasing to get any real benefit from.  Personally I would have liked a tool in the “Reviewing learners’ progress” step that measured the before, the in-between and the after portions of a learner’s journey. For me, a tool like that would be really meaningful, and of benefit to our organisation.

Everyone from our organisation has enjoyed taking part in this project, it has proved to be a really distraction from the front-end of delivering. We all welcome the prospect of tools and resources to enhance our delivery, especially if that come at very little cost. Having the chance to do things differently, or to innovate our induction process, or to roll out a really useful resource such as jobmatch makes the job that little bit more bearable.

Terry McHale  -  28th March 2013

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