Tuesday, 2 April 2013

InterAction-MK Have Fun With SlideShows

Played with Google Slides and made this simple little presentation using screen prints of our web site. I'm not too sure what I'd really do with this but I like the way a presentation can be set to display in a blog post like this, or on a web page (if I knew how to edit mine!)

I tried doing something similar with Animoto:

Try our slideshow maker at Animoto.

I should have used some actual images I suppose but I like the general presentation and choice of music. (My account didn't seem to work though so thanks to Andrew Hill for setting up one for us so that I could share this here). Lastly, much better is my Picasa album of photographs from an exhibition last summer. With all the cold and miserable weather we've had, I needed this to cheer me up! Here I used the embed as slideshow option to add the code to this post.

All pretty simple stuff but thanks to LSIS for the money and opportunity to try out things that I probably wouldn't have tried otherwise. We could do with a session or two to help staff get a bit more familiar with some of the tools here as I am pretty sure we could make good use of more of them given a bit more time to see what they an do.

1 comment:

  1. The Animoto thing still doesn't seem to want to play! Sorry. Maybe this link will work:
